BREAKING NEWS! Tuborgfondet is backing The Soulfuls’ mentorship program - “Dreamers & Doers” - with DKK 3,450,000
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BREAKING NEWS! Tuborgfondet is backing The Soulfuls’ mentorship program - “Dreamers & Doers” - with DKK 3,450,000

Important news. Tuborgfondet is backing The Soulfuls’ mentorship program - “Dreamers & Doers” - with DKK 3,450,000.

The goal of “Dreamers & Doers” is to level the playing field for women of colour here in Denmark, while bringing more diversity into the creative and cultural industries.

Our dream for the future is to be the biggest platform for ALL young women to get the support, mentorship, tools and knowledge they need to make their dreams come true in their career path.

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The Soulfuls vil bane vejen for mere diversitet i den kreative branche
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The Soulfuls vil bane vejen for mere diversitet i den kreative branche

The Soulfuls vil bane vejen for mere diversitet i den kreative branche

Der skal være lige muligheder for alle kvinder på arbejdsmarkedet - uanset etnisk og kulturel baggrund. Det er formålet med foreningen The Soulfuls, der nu får støtte af Tuborgfondet til at sætte turbo på et 3-årigt mentorprogram 'Dreamers and Doers'. Programmet vil bygge bro mellem unge kvinder og den kreative branche. Målet er at fremme en ny fortælling om ligestilling, der sikrer underrepræsenterede unge kvinder lige muligheder i erhvervslivet.

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How to create your own future?
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How to create your own future?

How do you create the right path? How do you apply and get ready for your next interview? The Soulfuls invited for a talk about Networking, CV & interviewing techniques with Lakeisha Goedluck who has worked at ASOS, Wood Wood, Pandora, Another, Dazed & Confuse …

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