BREAKING NEWS! Tuborgfondet is backing The Soulfuls’ mentorship program - “Dreamers & Doers” - with DKK 3,450,000

Important news. Tuborgfondet is backing The Soulfuls’ mentorship program - “Dreamers & Doers” - with DKK 3,450,000.

The goal of “Dreamers & Doers” is to level the playing field for women of colour here in Denmark, while bringing more diversity into the creative and cultural industries.

Our dream for the future is to be the biggest platform for ALL young women to get the support, mentorship, tools and knowledge they need to make their dreams come true in their career path.

If we're not intentionally inclusive, we are unintentionally exclusive! The latest report from the Institute for Human Rights examine minority ethnic people's experiences of discrimination in Denmark. According to the report, 48% of those who have sent in an application (job, training, housing and bank) have experienced being refused. The Soulfuls mission is to change the narrative for a more inclusive, fair and diverse future.

In the past 5 years, we have created job opportunities and visibility for young women, in collaboration with leading brands and companies, all collaborating on a cause which has been amplified by Vogue Scandinavia, ELLE, Eurowoman, Femina, Vi Unge, Fashion Forum, etc.

We could not have come this far without the support of our volunteers, members, mentors and partners who share our dream and believe in us and our community. Thank you!

And now, with the backing of Tuborgfondet, we cannot wait to meet more dreamers and doers out there, aiming to help remove what is blocking them from reaching their dreams. ed because of their ethnic background.

⚡️ There are a few ways you can join this journey ⚡️

• Partner with the “Dreamers & Doers” mentorship program

• Apply to become a mentee or mentor

• Support The Soulfuls as a member

• Amplify the voices of the “Dreamers & Doers”

Let's make more dreams come true - together!


Her moment. Her choice. Her dance


The Soulfuls vil bane vejen for mere diversitet i den kreative branche