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Black role models in the sporting world are expected to be superhuman - when they lose, it’s less about their skills and more about their skin colour.

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What makes a magazine cover impactful?
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What makes a magazine cover impactful?

What makes a magazine cover impactful?
From cultural identity to gender inclusivity, Millennials and Gen Zers are pushing for a more representative society. The Soulfuls explores how magazine covers are helping to change the status quo but remaining authentic is what really matters.

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Who is responsible for diversity in the workplace?
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Who is responsible for diversity in the workplace?

We live in a world full of people with unique experiences to bring to the table. But if there’s only one type of person sat around, that’s gonna make for one boring dinner party! We need to make room for other voices — that includes people from different economic, cultural, social and sexual backgrounds.

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A Recap From Style, Beauty & Empowerment Event
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A Recap From Style, Beauty & Empowerment Event

We have gathered some highlights from the day, where inspiring women came together to share their passions and insights to empower women and teenage girls to feel confident, motivated and delighted to be who they are.

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