Welcome to The Soulfuls
A year round programme of curated content, inspirational events and social hangouts focusing on career, care, confidence, community and creativity.
JOIN our community!
We are a NGO and rely on the support of our members. Become a The Soulfuls Member or Supportive Community (passive members)
The Soulfuls Membership (18 - 30 years) 59dkk per MONTH
✓ One free ticket to The Soulfuls Summit (November 22, 2024)
✓ Access to Members-Only networking events, workshops & talks (min. 2 times a year)
✓ Connect with like-minded women
✓ Learn from the best! Role models and industry advice
✓ Local & international community
✓ Opportunity to get a mentor through our mentorship programs
✓ Newsletter (3-4 times a year)
The Soulfuls Supportive Community
(You are 30+)
Benefits include:
✓ One free ticket to The Soulfuls Summit (November 22, 2024)
✓ Supporting The Soulfuls mission
✓ Paying-it-forward and empowering the next generations of women (fx. supporting our mentorship programs, networking events, content, workshops)
✓ Early invites to our Summits and larger events
✓ Newsletter (3-4 times a year)
Thank you for supporting The Soulfuls Forening / NGO mission in paving way for equitable future and equal opportunities for women no matter age & backgrounds.
What’s Included
Access to our year-round programme of inspirational events, both digital and physical.
Access to our series of “How to” workshops. Tools for personal and professional development, from how to create a creative CV and a portfolio, to starting your own business.
Curated content, heartening stories and honest advice. We bring you interesting voices from across the globe.
Empower your journey and strengthen your confidence. Mentoring is a great opportunity to pay it forward and support the next generation of kick-ass girls.
Share your dreams, meet future collaborators and make friends at our monthly social hangouts.
Role models
Our experts and role models have incredible life experiences to share with you as well as career insights from creative, media, and entrepreneurial industries.