Online Workshop: Soulful Self Articulation
In Soulful Self Articulation Workshop we will work and play together in pursuit of crafting a manifesting statement that illustrates your story as a creative professional. Since we have a couple of hours, I would love it if you could do a little reflection and preparation before our time together.
We will start the session with a reflection on session one, and how have you used your manifest statement since then. We will then talk about next steps.
Workshop host is Alice Grandoit-Sutka, Artist, Publisher, Entrepreneur
Our Partners for this event: @soundboks @cphfw @space10 @elledanmark @viunge 👏🏽👏🏿👏🏾
How to attend?
This event is only for Mentees of the Mentorship Class of 2021 - you still need to signup.
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